

课程在每周五晚上5点开始的周末交替上课.m.–10:00 p.m. 星期六早上8点开始.m.–6:00 p.m. 交替的周末形式为学生提供了进行研究的机会, 与学生团队会面, 满足下次班会的课堂目标. 该项目从一天的培训开始. 每个班级大约有24名学生, 谁作为一个队列在项目中进步.

除顶点课程外,每个课程交替举行3个周末, 哪个满足整个项目中四个交替的周末. 


The course is designed to provide students with a foundation in emergency management related concepts, 理论, and principles through an in-depth 分析 of past and current emergency management policies, 实践, 和事件. 学生将分析和讨论国家, 州和地方政府结构, 责任, 权威和关系. 十大菠菜台子将分析和讨论国家安全总统指示。, 国土安全总统指令, 国家应对框架, 国家灾难恢复框架, 以及国家事故管理系统. We will also discuss home土地 security and emergency management related policy and strategic level decision making, 国际救灾, 业务连续性理论与实践, 以及灾害和应急管理周期. 





This course is designed to enable students to develop Incident Command System (ICS)/Emergency Operations Center (EOC) interface implementation strategies or action plans for their communities. 本课程回顾了应急管理操作的ICS和EOC模型, 包括协调, 沟通, 以及首席执行官的决策, and places ICS in the context of the evolving National Incident Management System (NIMS) and National Response Plan (NRP). 它增强了澄清角色所需的知识和技能, 责任, 以及灾难前的人际关系通过小组和大小组练习. The course stresses that final coordination and operational structures are matters for local governments to resolve in the planning process with the state and federal government, 非营利组织和私营部门. 这门课程的目的是激发人们在这一领域的思考,并最终采取行动.


本课程侧重于灾难恢复的更广泛背景下的业务连续性. Participants explore the intricacies of crisis management and organizational resilience from both private sector business crisis management and public sector emergency management perspectives. 在整个课程中,学习者将深入了解如何应对业务中断, 优先考虑业务运营的回报, 并在更广泛的灾难恢复结构中集成业务连续性计划.

利用联邦应急管理局的国家恢复框架以及公共和个人援助模式, students delve into the critical components of disaster recovery from a government perspective learning the processes and steps to help the whole community through the disaster recovery process.

最后, the course will examine the human side of disaster recovery and the way they are impacted and contribute to the recovery process. 

This course brings together the different aspects of recovery and how critical it is that each component is considered when 建筑 resiliency to reduce the impact in the recovery phase.



The capstone course will provide an opportunity for students to integrate the core curriculum and their personal areas of interest culminating in both a written and oral capstone project presentation that addresses either solving a problem or improving a process in the field of emergency management. 具体地说, students choose between the following: 1) Presenting a problem in the field of emergency management, 描述迄今为止关于这个问题的文章, 为问题提供多种解决方案, 并对最优解的实现提出建议; or 2) Presenting a methodology for improving a process in the field of emergency management, 描述迄今为止所写的过程, 为流程提供多种解决方案, 并对最优解的实现提出建议.



Organizational issues lie at the core of operational effectiveness in facilities management. 个人管理, 团队和组织需要对领导原则有敏锐的理解, 有时压力环境下的远见和动力. This course provides extensive instruction in organizational behavior in the context of the modern business environment.




本课程为学生提供有效识别危险的工具和技术, 与这些危害相关的风险, 以及更有弹性的缓解策略. Students will learn quantitative and qualitative risk assessment tools to prioritize mitigation efforts. 它关注所有的危害:自然的、技术的和人为的. Case studies are used to emphasize the importance of after-action reporting to identify strengths and weaknesses to reduce the risk of future occurrences of emergencies and disasters. Students will examine natural disasters, technological accidents, terrorism, and corporate scandals. 重点是联邦应急管理局批准的减灾计划, 威胁和危害识别风险评估(THIRA), 联邦应急管理局洪水制图, and insider threat to encompass the whole community approach of hazard identification and risk assessment.



This course will focus on developing each student’s command of  the fundamental concepts used by emergency management professionals to conduct sound financial 分析 and solve problems using basic and advanced financial analytical tools. 课程还包括清晰有效的财务概念沟通, 分析, 以及供高层管理人员使用的结论. 这门课程将强调概念, 实践, 以及在日常和非常规情况下做出决策的必要工具. Case studies will be examined to illustrate fundamental techniques for budgeting and forecasting,  资产管理, 最大化资源. The course will present concepts in a manner that integrates financial 分析 with strategic planning, 采用跨学科的方法进行预算和分析,  会计, 和报告, 找到实现战略目标的最佳财务手段. 




This course covers in depth the principles of financial 会计 and engineering economic 分析 and includes such topics as 会计 statements; assets and liabilities; corporate financial reporting; inven-tory valuation and cost procedures; investments (stocks, 债券, 土地, 建筑, and equipment); evaluation of equipment, 收购, and depreciation; cash flow 分析; and budgetary control. Economic 分析 techniques are used to evaluate alternatives for potential solutions to engineering problems. Measures such as present worth, annual worth, rate of return, and cost benefit are considered. 将审查作为决策工具的经济分析.



本课程的重点是海上运输系统(MTS)的安全性。. 百分之九十五的美国人.S. 进出口货物由海运船只通过数百个港口运输. 从港口出发, the cargo is then taken to thousands of destinations via air and 土地 transportation modes (e.g.(航空、卡车和铁路),从而推动了美国经济的增长.S. 经济引擎. 这些海、空、陆运输方式,以港口为枢纽,构成了MTS. The MTS is critical to our national and economic security and significant legislation and many national policy documents have been produced to secure the system from terrorism. 十大菠菜台子已经完成了什么,十大菠菜台子会成功吗? 为了解决这些问题,本课程将简要回顾当前的美国.S. 国土安全问题. Students will then examine terrorist threats to the MTS and the legal and policy responses to those threats, 包括你.S. efforts to carry out the daunting task of securing the global supply chain at sea and overseas.




本课程旨在为医院提供指导, 紧急医疗服务(EMS), 卫生保健设施, and citizens who may become involved in a mass casualty event as a result of a hazardous materials incident, 对身体或健康的自然危害, 或恐怖分子使用大规模杀伤性武器. The course focuses on the health provider’s role and goes beyond organizational charts and checklists to deal with the entire role of the hospital inside and outside the emergency department during such incidents.
